Sunday, July 1, 2007

Thoughts on Freshman Year

Well friends we fininshed it. We finished our first year of high school. We are no longer fresh meat. But before the celebration i just wanted to look back on myself and how i've changed. I am no longer the same guy a lot of people knew at the beginning of the year. I've lost a lot of friends and my personality has changed almost as constant as someone changes clothes. well i guess the only place to start is the beginning. I guess my downfall began with pride. I had an inability to let someone tell me i was wrong even i was right. I refused to listen anymore because after all i had been right so many times in the past. but i see now that i did some great things for people but when it became more of a job than an actual need to help i found myself losing control. I started hanging out with a not so great crowd. I have never done drugs or anythin like that but these people seemed to be loving life and enjoying it. I know now that was a lie. I found myself more and more depressed and hatred toward the world until i re-established one friendship. It was this moment of clarity that might have saved me. I began if you would to rise from the ashes. I resurrected my old nicknames and personalities and i finally began to rebuild me. And this time i wasn't supposed to act a certain way for certain people. I learned that being humble and listening can sometimes be the easiest way to actually argue your point and win. So don't ever buy into the lies of people. Don't ever lose yourself in a search to find yourself and most of all let your experiences guide your decision, life, and personality.

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